Here is a wonderful little video. It is especially good for those of us who want/need to be prudent with their coffee money. It's great to realize that not everyone wants to pay for atmosphere. We feel it might be appropriate to send a complementary pound of our great Family Coffee to this wonderful lady. Please let us know if you believe we should or not. You can use the comment section of this blog, our or on the face book page of missioneros de padre tomas or even the contact page of our website:
This is a fun video with some real coffee facts included. The ending is quite true: The best way to enjoy coffee is with friends. We want our customers, friends and supporters to know about our various activities.. Primarily we are deducted to our educational Projects. In conjunction with our tutoring at the house we are able to provide nutritious meals to our students. ![]() Here you see a group of our students enjoying a breakfast before a tutoring session. Would you like to have a double benefit from your helping hands? You can, you know! In fact you can enjoy a wonderful cup of coffee while you do so. Just visit and order a pound of our coffee. Your purchase will help educate children in Guatemala and also benefit coffee producers In Honduras as they improve their production methods. ![]() Here you can see a few of our kids. They are participating in activities on our street this past year on Guatemala's Children's day. The lives of these kids are slowly improving because of your wonderful help. Like Elvis Presley's "in the Ghetto" here is some music from Central America. It also deals with the same sad conditions that we are trying hard to alleviate with the profit from Family Coffee. For those who don't understand the Spanish a few the lines are: "How sad to hear the rain on the roof". "It is a day without a tomorrow" and one part with a great reality "It's hard to believe there are dogs living in the houses of those who exploit. They even have schools for the dogs" In Guatemala we have many children who are unable to go to school. The photo above is from a trip we were able to take with our neighbors. They are at the Music Museum where they learned about the history of music in their country and the instruments used by the Mayan people.
A photo of the street where we live and an older once popular song about the conditions here. Conditions that your purchase of Family Coffee help to alleviate. No individual receives any payment for their work to produce Family Coffee
Don't forget to visit our program page at ![]() We have corrected a mistake in the discount button. The Buy now pagee indicatedd a space should be placed between 15% AND abc. That is not so The correct button code is 15%abc. We hope his will improve the usage on our site. Photo to left: Two young boys who came to the house to receive bread (in the plastic bag on his shoulder. We have the ability to donate bread to neighbors once a week. Please feel free to leave your blog comments, question or thoughts
Perhaps you might like to try some of these way to brighten up your serving of coffee.. Here is a rather interesting video with 10 coffee fact you may not be aware of. It can be fun to watch At times we are able to have activities supported by various donors. The scenes below are of one such activity. ![]() One way we can strengthen the spiritual values of our neighbors has been to make one day spiritual journey. These photos are from a visit to Antigua and the tomb of Santo Hermano Pedro The photos: Top Left to right 1. The group outside the coffee museum. 2. The tomb of the local saint (santo Hermano Pedro.) 3. Caminando member Mario Torres and a guide dressed as Hermano Pedro The bottom photo is a street scene as our group progressed with their guide to visit various locations of importance in the life of the saint. |
Family Coffee is a project of Caminando Por La Paz.
AuthorRon Covey, Associate Director, USA for Caminando Por La Paz, Guatemala City. Categories
December 2023